Asian Indian Basmatic Rice

  1. Let your guests know that all ingredients used in this recipe are edible but it is generally recommended that they don’t eat any of the Cardomum pods, the Cinnamon sticks or the Cloves.
  2. In India, these ingredients are often eaten at the end of the meals as “breath mints” because of their strong pleasant smell.

Yields: 4-6


  • 3 Cups Basmati Rice
  • 1/4 Can of Unsweetened Coconut Milk
  • 6 pods Cardomum
  • 1 pinch Tumeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp Clarified Butter
  • 5 Cloves
  • 1/2 in Stick of Cinnamon
  • 1 Large Onion
  • 1/8 lb raw Cashew Nuts
  • 2 tbsp Clarified Butter
  • Salt to taste


  • Add all of the ingredients numbered 1 through 8 into a rice cooker.
  • Now add enough water to bring the level to makr 3 in the rice cooking pot.
  • Plug the rice cooker into the power and turn the switch to “cook” … not “warm”
  • Add 2 tablesppons of claried butter in a saucepan.
  • Slice the large onion lengthwise.
  • Saute the sliced onion strips in clarified butter at medium heat until the onion strips become crisp.
  • Remove the onion strips and keep aside
  • Now, into the same saucepan with clarified butter add the raw cashew nuts and fry at very low heat. Do not burn the cashew nuts.
  • The rice cooker will automatically switch from “Cook” posiont to the “Warm” position. Do not turn off or unlug the cooker at this point. Let it keep the rice warm for another 5 minutes before you unplug the rice cooker.
  • When rice is completely cooked, transfer the rice to a serving plate or bowl and carfully sprinkle both the “carmalized” onions and the roasted cashew nuts as granish on the rice before serving.

Category: Side dish

Cuisine: Indian

Tags: AsianRice

inspired by OtterHealth from Dr. Noah Chelliah